How do i build up my self esteem after a breakup?

i was with my ex-bf for 2 and a half years. We just broke up. A lot of people know him in school. Our school is a really small school and it bothers me what to say when people start asking about 'us'. Even professors know him. He's 24 and im 21. Hes alresdy graduated and im still in school. I feel like a loser.


  • Do something where the end result can be appreciated.. Take up a hobby to take your mind off things for a bit, get in to shape, gym is great way to meassure your hard work on.

    Remember the good times, appreciate the memories, try not to relive them..

  • Lift weights and do cardio. Get in killer shape. When you look better than ever then people will think well of you (assuming you didn't cheat or something).

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