Public restrooms?

What do you love/hate about public restrooms?


  • What I love about a public restroom is that it's convenient when an emergency arises. What I hate about them is they're not sanitary as they should be. But you have to accept that it is, what it is, a public restroom. I think a lot of times too, is that some people take that for granted and trash the public restrooms because they know that they don't have to clean it and they abuse the privilege of such convenience.

  • public restrooms doesn't have to be dirty if we all use them correctly and help keep it clean. This is for the pigs out there who doesn't respect people who clean restrooms for a living. Pigs who pee all over the toilet seats, throw paper towels on the floor and not in the trash cans, smearing **** all over the toilet seats, not flushing the toilet after each use, and so on. Why can't people treat the public bathrooms like their own? If we all pick up after ourselves we wouldn't have to complain about dirty public restrooms.

  • I hate public restrooms cause they're usually dirty and smelly, but a very select few are clean

  • Public restrooms are nice when you really need to go, but they are usually nasty. I was once really impressed at Wal-Mart when the bathroom was ACTUALLY very clean. It must have been just cleaned.

  • I hate everything about them. They've gone downhill. When I was younger, you could walk into a nicer store and know the restroom was clean. Now....they are all nasty. It drives me nuts. Especially when I have to take my 5 year old into one. I'm constantly saying...don't touch that, don't lean against that, wash your hands really good......It's digusting.

  • I hate how women won't 'sit' down on the seat, so they end up peeing on the seat, and then I come in, and sit in their piss. It's pretty nasty and I don't really understand. If nobody did it... nobody would HAVE to do it. If we would just stop being germ-a-phobes nobody would have a problem. Thing is... MOST people shower on a regular basis, and the back of their thighs... are NOT that dirty.

  • There is nothing good about them!They smell horrible and theres only about 3 bathrooms in each!Everyone has to wait and theres toilet paper on the floor and the room is like falling apart!

  • I'm sure I don't LOVE anything about PR's but I do like the convenience. As to their cleanliness, I believe the cleanliness is the responsibility of the owners AND the users. It seems to me that most users believe, "This is not my bath/rest room, so I can trash it if I want."

    This attitude just shows their poor up-bringing and the complete lack of respect they have for themselves and others.

  • well, I hate that they are germy and gross!

    dont really like anything about them besides the fact that they are a quick place to use the restroom..

  • i like it that so far no business bars me from bringing my own disinfectant to their public restroom.

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