Mystery Dog Diagnosis?

My Puppy got into chocolate last Friday, and we monitored him very carefully.He vomited almost immediately afterwards, and then he ate and drank and pooped normally. My family and I left for vacation that Monday, and my uncles friend watched him for us at his house along with my grandma's dog. We were told he was doing great through email, but when we were coming home, at about 11 on Thursday Night, we were told he hadn't eaten at all during his stay, was vomiting every day, and now refused to leave his crate. The guys girlfriend had to physically pick him up in order for him to use the bathroom. So at 8 am the next day my family rushed to pick him up. He looked awful. He had vomit stuck to his mouth and was skin and bones. He wouldn't even eat chicken soup and absolutely refused any water. He couldn't even stand up on his own, he was so weak. We went immediately to the vet, who gave him an iv, a few shots, a parvo test, and xray, and sent us home with a prescription, saying the chocolate had caused a gas bubble in his stomach, and he should be back to normal by the next day. Fast forward to Today. He still wont eat anything more than a few pieces of chicken, and doesn't drink unless led to water. even then its maybe a few sips before going back to sleep. He pooped for the first time in almost a week last night, and it was all a reddish green blob, followed by constant diarrhea. We are bringing him back today, but does anyone have any idea what it could be? I'm thinking a possible intestinal blockage, which would require surgery and a rather pretty penny. My mom says whatever the cost, she'll work something out so he can get better, but does anyone have any idea what it might be/how much treatment might cost?


  • An intestinal blockage is very likely in this case. Sometimes they can be seen on an X-Ray, but most of the time, a Barium Series has to be performed to diagnose it. He could also have an intussusception from the vomiting and diarrhea. Let us know what the vet says and how he does.

  • poor pup :( how old? Of course, none of us can diagnose him over the net, but if I were you I would get a second opinion at a different vet if your current one doesn't have a solid explanation or treatment. try a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice for a bit to help with the loose stools and if he's still refusing to drink try ice cubes (my pup loves playing with /eating them), or giving a salt free meat broth instead of water. If he is eating chicken and rice or a bland canned food yu can add a bit of water to his food bowl too. What exactly did he eat? if he did ingest a foreign object, say chocolate with a wrapper, the intestinal blockage is a likely issue, however if you are sure it was only chocolate and he didn't get into anything else I'd suspect a different diagnosis. Good luck and please let us know the turnout!

  • there's a sparkling rigidity of Parvo out this 365 days it somewhat is extremely resilient and conventional Parvo vaccinations do no longer seem to cover. If I keep in mind properly NeoPar replace into the only vaccination that replace into clever against it and not many ppl use it. I purely keep in mind getting some information mailed to me on it early final spring or so. i'm going to action picture star this as properly and if I actual have a while to do somewhat study i'm going to place up findings. good success and that i'm sorry that's happening! upload>>>Sorry you're nonetheless no longer arising with lots. Has a necropsy been completed on any of the ineffective puppies/dogs? i could strongly urge you or every physique dealing with something with such constrained preparation to have a ineffective puppy sent to a school for a whole custom, isolation and sensitivity. it somewhat is heavily the place i could initiate! If it does no longer supply you a diagnosis that's going to a minimum of inform you what that's user-friendly terms academic at this element yet i could like to comprehend if it have been my dogs. Please keep us published!

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