Princess Diana. Accident or Conspiracy?

12 years on, I strongly think this wasnt an accident! This was perferctly orchestrated plot to eliminate Diana after rumours surfaced she may be pregnant with Dodi's Baby & executed from the instructions of Prince Charles. Tunnel was open 4 hours after accident. Detergent was sprayed by large vehicle (on camera) to remove all traces of DNA. White Fiat Uno car that was involved in collision with Diana's Mercedes was owned by Papparazi who took his own life in 2000. Speed of Merc was 65mph and not 122mph! Key witness (Eric Petel) had statement ignored by Police. Who agrees this was a conspiracy?


Deighton - the driver was not drunk! His corpse was very much likely to have been tampered with. CCTV cameras at the Ritz prove he wasnt drunk because upon tieing his shoe laces he uses his body load to correctly shift from one leg to another before standing up straight. A person who tries this 'drunk' will obviously become imbalanced or sway slightly. Also the Papperazi (James Andanson) in White Fiat Uno was a former part-time Secret Agent. You do the maths now.


  • I and many others always thought it was an orchestrated plot to get rid of her. A big cover up was put into place as soon as it happened. It was so blatant that most people could see right through this plot, and she was not allowed to come out of that unless she was dead.Plus to open the Tunnel so soon after this accident (or so called ) was done pretty quick, which in any other accident would have been closed for a lot longer. She was in the way for Prince Charles to marry the woman he really wanted, but should have thought of that before he ventured into entering a marriage of convenience. He might not have pressed the button for her timely death for his purpose but he certainly knew about it. This was the most hideous and untimely death that has happened in my lifetime but it will never be forgotten by the British People.She was loved , liked, and admired by almost everyone in this Country, and god forbid if he is ever put on the Throne, as he does not deserve that honour to replace his Mother, who has been a Pillar for our Country.

  • I disagree, it was an accident caused by a drunk driver and the victims didn't have seat belts on. The crash could easily have resulted in no fatalities if the car had crashed differently.

    Prince Charles has no powers to order security agents around.

    No baby was found in the French autopsy, why would France help the UK in this?

    The washing of the road was to get rid of blood that people would have gawped at.

    Why would the employ a Papparazi to help them? How more unreliable can you get? He was there to photograph Diana surely?

    Speed of car 65 mph - who says this? Why is it part of a conspiracy? The speed might have been 65, it's pretty fast to enter a tunnel whilst turning a corner and going down a hill when you're drunk, and a hell of a speed to hit concrete at.

    I don't know about Eric Petel, maybe he appeared to be changing his story or making things up, cops are used to spotting unreliable witnesses, it's their job.

  • It was all just very convenient really so I have always thought conspiracy. I think the biggest tragedy was that she was taken in the prime of her life and her sons lives. How heartless can the Royals be to take the heir to the thrones mother off him. She was way better than the horse face he's got now. I think it was convenient at the time. Things were getting cosier with Dodi, she was starting to make headlines, she may or may not have been pregnant, she was stealing attention from the Royal family, she was a favourite etc. I think she was just the young sacrifical virgin that got dumped when the Royals had looked like they had done right. Camilla was always there.

  • I doubt if we will ever know, anymore than we will ever know if there was a second (or more) gunman in the Kennedy assassination, etc.

    Personally, I tend to think the driver was drunk and they were pursued by the Paparazzi and that is why it happened, not a conspiracy by the Royal family or anybody else. But I don't know enough to be sure. I was actually suspicious of a conspiracy from the standpoint that Muslims (extremists) might not like an Egyptian dating a high profile Christian in the beginning. I am not blaming Islamic terrorists, that was just something I thought of early on.

    I don't think she was pregnant, but you never know. Charles had wanted to have Camilla, not her and he was divorced. He no doubt had joint custody of his sons, they were at the Palace when she died.

    I understand the conspiracies, but I don't know. But it is possible.

  • I totally agree it was a plot to kill this beautiful and unique person ; and I will not be surprise if the queen and Prince Philip was behind all this ; who would dare to touch a royal without the permission of another royal

  • Anagram for Princess Diana = Dies in a car spin.

  • accident was by conspiracy

  • An accident, and that's all.

  • How about we call it.......... a set up...

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