Cute dog names for a shihpoo?

I am, in the near future, getting a little black shihpoo. I am looking for cute, or out of the box names. Thanks in advance for your help!


I don't think you guys understand. I am not buying a puppy from a breeder. I am adopting it. So you can stop with all the mutt buisness.


  • BYBd Mutt

    BYBd Mongrel



  • Mutt, Muttley, Mongrel, Cur, Backyard bred mutt. The choices are endless when you decide to support backyard breeders and puppy mills by purchasing a "designer" mongrel. There is no such breed as shipoo. It is simply a Shih Tzu x Poodle or a mutt. You can get them at any shelter and you won't be paying an arm and a leg for a monetarily worthless mutt just because it has a stupid name slapped on it.

  • Mutt.. muttley..

    There is no such thing as a "shihpoo". It's a mixed-breed with a silly name sold by puppy mills and backyard breeders.

    Please don't support some greedy mill or BYB. Do some research, adopt a shih tzu mix puppy, and save a life.

  • I have a Shihpoo too! I know people hate it when we call them that, but I'm done saying I have a mutt. He's my dog so I'll call him what I want. (:

    These are GREAT dogs, you'll LOVE them!!

    Girl names -




    Aleyah (Allie-uh)




    Boy names-

    Benji (Thats my little guy's name:)





    Bandit (My kitty's name:3)



  • Its a Shih Tzu Crossed with a Poodle its a mixed breed dog there is no such thing as a Shihpoo.

    You could,call your dog Mutely

  • One of our clients was checking out yesterday, and she said she should've named her dog "VISA," because she has been using her credit card a lot for her lately. I thought it was cute. So how 'bout VISA? LOL

    How do they know you didn't adopt your dog, rather than buying one? I rescued my 'schnauzador' off death row, one week past his euth date. Great dog!

    vet tech

  • Ebony? Lily, Missy, Rocky, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl... Sooo... I can't answer it very good.

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