Australian bar owners, how much do you expect to pay for a poster design?

I'm looking for answers from bar owners or in-house events coordinators from the hospitality industry (bar managers, nightclub managers and venue owners).

I'm hitting the streets to research this next week but I thought I'd try my luck here.

The poster design would be inclusive of all concept work but with no extras i.e social media images. I'm after a flat rate that you would expect to pay for gig or event poster graphic design.

Answers from Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and everywhere in between are all of interest.

Thanks in advance!


  • I am interested in why you think this is something a pub will pay for....creating the promotion poster is the job of the band themselves not the venue.

  • This is America. You CAN sue anyone for anything, being successful is another matter. First, did the Lost Poster offer a reward? Did it say how much the reward was? If yes on both accounts, you would probably be successful in small claims court. If there was no mention of a reward, you may want to consider teaching your kid to do the right thing for the right reason. Good luck.

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