Toronto canada to New york?

Hiii guys soo i'm a 15 year old girl and i live in europe. Sooo this summer i will be taking a trip alone to toronto canada since i have family living there and i am gonna stay with them. Soooo i have always dreamed of going to new york being a broadway geek :p i will be staying in canada for 5 weeks soo do you think it's worth it to go to new york while in canada??? If yes by what should i travel, how long should i stay and how much will it cost me???? Tks :)


  • Sure, do go to New York as well - BUT - the Americans are funny about visiting children.

    First of all, they will probably not let you in on your own, but I don't think that is what you had in mind. You will surely travel with someone who is older than 21 from Toronto. Why 21? Because it is impossible to rent a hotel room in New York for anyone under 21. There are some hostels, look here.

    You don't need a visa, assuming you are from EU, but you DO NEED a letter from your parents, stating who you travel with and giving you permission to leave Canada on this trip (to USA)

    You can find a sample here. It is designed for Canadian parents but will certainly be acceptable for the Americans.


    You can go by bus or by train directly to downtown Manhattan. You could also take the street car in Toronto to the down town Island airport and fly Porter airways to Newark, from there there is a direct train to down town New York Price from $ 150 - $ 300, return all taxes included.

    Food in New York is expensive, budget for about $ 50 per day, even at the cheapest fast food places.

    Have fun.

    Welcome to Toronto, you will have an amazing visit here. Sooo much to see and do. Also, in Toronto you can freely travel around to your full desire and delight, no particular restrictions on teenagers here.



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