Why do my parents favor my sister?

My parents favor my twin sister so much. She gets whatever she wants and I barley get anything I want. Our parents bought her a brand new 2011 Lexus and I have a car that barley runs. They buy her any clothes she wants and she has like 3 Gucci bags. She stays out with her friends all night and half the time she comes home drunk or high. They make a big deal about her cheer competitions but don't care that I played football, basketball and baseball at school. Why do my parents spoil my sister even though that she doesn't respect them? We're 17


  • parents hate their sons ,its a fact.

  • I gues you're going to have to ask your parents.

    Explain the facts, and how you feel. I know that sounds weird...'tell them how you feel...'lol.

    But it should help.

    That's so unfair! Good job you're not putting up with it any longer.


  • its not uncommon that parents favor one over the other. when i was young my mom favored my bro over me and my sis. he always got what he wanted. one summer she took him to disney land and left me and my sis with the gma. im sorry u feel that way. maybe try talking to them?

  • because its your sister, your parents feel they have to baby her and be nicer to her because shes a girl. it kinda sucks but you get used to it :)

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