do feminists simply suffer from paranoia?

I encountered some feminists say that they are feminists because feminism "gave" them the right to vote, have work, and own property etc; that if they don't become feminists, people will forget what they have acquired due to feminism, and eventually it will be taken away from them. Sounds like they are suffering from paranoia to me.


  • EVERY Feminist who has to claim that Feminism is the idea that women are 'human beings' as if without Feminism we wouldn't recognize women, is indeed suffering from incorrigible paranoia.

  • Suffragists gave them (actually they fought for) the right to vote. Feminists had NOTHING to do with it.

    Women have always worked. They have always owned property. They even owned slaves. Feminism did not acquire things that they already had. They use these to perpetuate their victim mentality and thus to sustain feminism.

    They are only paranoid if they actually believe this. I think they know the truth and just hide from it like the cowards they are.

  • some do. like the ones you met. Take it from me you don't need to be a feminist to be successful these women are delusional and wraaped up in their own beliefs.

  • I think aa majority of ppl suffer from paranoia then because blacks gays and other people tend to whine about not being recognized for something. Everyone wants to feel special and unique so thats life and its in our blood

  • Actually, the right of women to own property seems to date back to the time of Moses, as he gave women that right.

    Most of women's rights in the West came from the notion, radical at the time, that women and men were of equal value in God's sight. Before the west was Christianized, women were viewed as property in pagan Rome.

  • Boy! They are paranoid. Certainly don't believe in themselves much.

  • I think some people here could do with a little book learning! Indeed in many cultures women were not viewed as complete human beings.

    I think it's always worthwhile to take stock of what we have and reflect upon how fragile some of those things are :-)

  • You've met SOME feminists who sound paranoid (and don't seem to really get what 'feminist' means), and you therefore conclude ALL feminists are identical to them?

    LOL, and I constantly see people in this category say WOMEN are irrational.

    No, feminists don't suffer from paranoia.

    Feminists simply grasp the fact that both men and women are HUMAN BEINGS.

  • Hmm; generalizing both from insufficient data and a poor understanding of history. Also, a weak understanding of the term "paranoia". Before you rant about the dust speck in their eyes, look to the big honking rock in yours...

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