Family portrait color ideas?

so we are taking family portraits and need to find outfits for the occasion. i thought i could turn to yahoo answers for help. to start we are a family of five with three girls ages 14, 10 and 7. the 14 year old has dark brown hair light olive skin and green brown eyes. the 10 year old has dark brown hair fair skin and brown eyes. the 7 year old has brown hair and hazel eyes and medium olive skin. the parents: the mom has dark brown curly hair fair skin and hazel eyes. the father has dark olive skin brown eyes and dark brown hair. we are also going to have two dogs in the photos. one tri color cavalier that is mostly black and one black dog with white socks and freckles on his nose. we are thinking jewel tones and it will be cold late fall... please help (:

and btw the bottoms will all be jeans no matter what so just tops and color ideas please. thanks in advance


  • I would stay away from stripes and really "loud" patterns.

    I would also stay away from white or black - both can cause some issues.

    I'd choose a colour family (such as pastels or earthy tones) and stay inside of that. Don't go for identical, just pick colours that don't clash with each other.

    The important part in this shoot is your family, not your clothes, so let the people have the limelight, and keep the clothes in the background, so to speak.

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