True or False?

You can't lose something if you never had it to begin with.


  • False. Most people are answering based on physical objects. If you don't act on something, you lose out on that opportunity. Just one example.

  • Well that s true in a way...but what if that something is something that is normal to a parent or love or something...i m sure u would start asking questions about it...because u will feel left out...and talking about parents...that is why most ppl that are adopted try to seek out there roots or parents because even though u have lost something you never feel incomplete...make sense?

  • False, you can feel as though you lost something.

    Maybe seeing someone elses beautiful home or being attracted to a beautiful man who will never fancy you, you can still feel that sense of loss.

  • False. A Father could loose a baby before it's born.

  • False, if the one you love leaves or finds someone that is not you, you have lost your love even known you never had had them.

  • hmmmm... you may have had it and never realized it until it was lost?

    I don't think that it is completely a true/false statement... as it is relevant to what the situation is

  • false cause life gives without wanting it. when you are born you gain more than you can lose.

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