Do you consider "date rape" to be consider real rape?

During "date rape", the female will have too much to drink, and becomes more open sexually. The guys take her lack of resisting as consent, which I don't blame them for because nobody can read minds. The girl is sober the next day, regrets having sex, and reports "rape".


RAWR: Who the hell says "yes, I want to have sex", before having sex?


  • *sigh*

    any sex without consent is r*pe. if a person is not able to give consent (unconscious, seriously intoxicated) then it is r*pe.

    In this case, it sounds like the woman was in a position to consent. But honestly, i would need more details to be sure.

    Its really a question of is a person in a position to give consent - and then was that consent given.

    When you say "her lack of resisting" - well, its not clear whether she even wanted to resist.

    If she was in a state where she was unable to resist - or unable to communicate consent or or non-consent - then in that case it would be r*pe.

  • Of course it's rape. That's like saying, you can't blame a sober person letting a wasted person to take the wheel of a car because nobody can tell that they aren't in the right mind to make a decision. In fact, that's what some people do, they take a girl on a date and purposely get them drunk so they can have sex with them without consent and if the girl says no, she won't be able to put up a fight.

  • It depends. If she was passed out and un responsive then it should be considered rape. But if shes really drunk and then regrets it then it should not. She was fully aware of doing it while she was drunk and should be held accountable while sober. Its not worth fing over somebody for giving them consent or maybe even being the one who wanted it in the first place

  • actually date rape is when someone slips a mind altering drug into their drink, making them pass out then taking advantage of the situation. I know of a few people who have made stupid decisions while under the influence and regretted them the next day, but it shouldn't be called rape. but if the person is passed out, their drunk and your not, or if they can't stand up, or their vomiting. I think you should know better than to take that person to bed. because they aren't in the rest state of mind to make that decision.

  • Rape is rape doesn't matter what word you put in front of it. If a woman says she doesn't want sex then you stop. Just because you bought her dinner doesn't mean your owed sex no matter what. And no, most women don't yell rape because they regretted having sex. Sounds like your making excuses because she called you on attacking her.

  • Date rape is when someone spikes her drink with a roofie or some other drug, making her unable to say no or fight the guy off.

  • Drinking is really a choice if women want to do this and then have sex it is there fault.

    They need to be held accountable for there actions the same way they are when they drink and drive.

    The responsibility should not be put on men to look after women.

    So no if this is going to be called rape then women should not have the same rights as men.

  • Yes it is because often a sedative pill finds its way into her drink too, and even without, it would still be rape.

  • a drugged person cannot make such decision to consent for sex, so yeah you raped her, hope you save some roofy for yourself b/c your cellmate will have a hard on for you.

  • yes... If you go to a bar and have a few drinks with another dude who gets drunk... you take his wallet, isn't it still robbery? I believe so.

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