How do I connect a laptop to a network after a router upgrade?

So I went ahead with my original plan. I did a router upgrade.

My Win 7 laptop - perfect connection, maybe better than before!

My XP desktop PC, good connection, could be better.

My sister's Vista - only google works. Full signal. Under attached devices, her laptop is there. I have restarted the laptop twice, and pulled out and inserted the power lead to the router multiple times. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • Check the IP settings on sissy's computer against the working computers. Pay close attention to the DNS servers listed. It sounds like a DNS problem. Maybe her system has the DNS servers manually set and they are no longer valid for the new router.

  • i had the same issue when i upgraded my router. idk what it is but i just deleted that connection (from the computer that isnt working right) then i just set up a new connection to the same router using setting from the old connection. the same thing happens to me when i change anything on my router password, name, block sites, and so on.

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