Serious College Dilemma?

Okay, I'm not quite sure where to start but here goes. I'm the first from my family to go to college (my parents never had the opportunity and are foreigners); anyways, I've striven my entire life in order to break the cycle of poverty my family is in. I did well in high school graduating with a 4.1 GPA from an IB school, however, with my entry at the University of Virginia I have found serious adversity to my attempt to do well. In short I have a 2.7 GPA and I’m about to go into my 4th semester here. The dilemma is that I’m not sure if I should continue pre-med (which has been the track I’ve been on from the start of college) my grades are not horrible just mediocre, at least in my opinion. I practically received straight C’s for chemistry first year, and I received a C+ for biology and B+ for biology lab for the semester that just passed. I have not started to take Orgo nor Physics because I fear it will be too much in conjunction with bio and to be honest I feel that I have no interest in those subjects (but that does not mean that I do not have interest in becoming a doctor – unfortunately ironic right?). I don’t want to major in biology or biochemistry but I have anticipated the challenge of majoring in another subject area while taking pre-med requirements and I know that I would not be able to pull it off. So basically I feel forced to major in biology or biochemistry because there requirements go hand and hand with the required courses I would have to take anyways for pre-med. So the question is should I give it up? I mean I don’t see my grades improving much more and if grad school and pre-med are not options, well then should I just do something like business which is something I’ve considered and interests me?

The only concern is that if I do try business, well, one I have not really taken any of the required courses and two, by the time I have I will be a year behind. Furthermore, I would have to apply to UVA's Commerce School of Business and to get in one needs at least a 3.6 GPA as well as a strong reason for entering the school. I'm just not sure if they will take me and if I should just jump the gun and transfer to another school that will??? I'm at a lost here guys a real lost, I'm just an honest and simple person who wants to make a difference in my family's history and prove that at least someone from this family can become something successful in life - I want to break my poverty cycle.


  • Your chances at medical school are fading I am sorry to report.

    There are many other health related professions. Health Care Administration is a growing field

    One of my own kids was doing poorly in engineering and changed to a BS in business that did not require that he transfer to the College of Business at his university. He actually is doing quite well in his career.

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