[Painful] braces problem... help please?
First of all, I've had my braces for almost 2 1/2 years now, and this problem hasn't occured until today. My gums where one of my top back molars is has been hurting since yesterday. The gums feel swollen, and when I looked in the mirror, it almost appears that the hook of the bracket attached to that tooth is digging into the gum, and that the gums have almost grown over it. It's extremely painful, and currently I'm using ambesol to numb the pain, although it's not doing much.
If anybody speaks from experience with this problem, please advise me on what to do.
Also, the orthodontist is closed until monday (currently it's friday). It's the bracket with the hook in the top back that is actually one of those metal bands, so I think it would be very hard removing it.
Help please! Thank you.
i have braces aswell and that happened to me. I was on holiday aswell so i couldnt see my orthodontist. You get it when you dont brush you gums really well, the pain goes away after a while
and the swelling goes down abit but make sure you see your orthodontist and tell him when you can or call the emergancy contact number if its really painfull
i had a problem like this, only it was more in the front, above my canine teeth. this is caused by not brushing your teeth and gumline well enough, and the gums become irritated and swell up. the advice my ortho gave me was to brush the gums really well. it was a little painful at first, but the swelling went down in a few days.
I have recently had this issue until i got my wire cut and it does hurt extremely bad!! But, a way to fix it without the ortho would be to put wax on it normally you get it from the ortho but you can get it at like Walgreen's, Walmart, or Target all those kind of stores it works really well just take it off when you eat. Then replace it when your done. I would recommend wax dots because their already in the dots and you only have to put them on the wire otherwise you have to rip it of a lil strip but either way helps it a whole lot. when you go to the ortho tell them so they can clip it! =D Hope i helped!