Bringing a camera into a strip club? Freedom of Speech/Press?

Okay, you know how they say "protesting something" is considered part of Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Press? Also how they say taking pictures depends on whether there's "reasonable expectation of privacy"? So, let's say I really want a full-nude strip club in my area to just leave town, CAN I "LEGALLY" PROTEST the institution by taking pictures of the strippers and customers and post them online for editorial/news purposes (non-commercial), to get more people to be in opposition? Since most strip clubs aren't one of those places which can discriminate against customers because of race (providing services for the general public), it follows that the inside of these buildings are considered legally visible to the public? I was thinking if it's legal to snap away unless a sign is posted or I'm warned, it would be best to take in a hidden camera. Regardless whether something's legal or not, wouldn't want to be assaulted, plus sometimes on the news police will arrest people and then later find out it wasn't really illegal after all!

Background for why I would even ask this question: I don't know if this is true, but I keep on hearing a lot that "Reasonable Expectation of Privacy" has less to do with whether you're standing on private versus public property, and everything to do with whether someone is visible to the public. For example, public restrooms are on publicly owned property but considered to have an expectation of privacy from cameras, while at the same time I've heard bringing a camera into Walmart would be okay legally unless they post signs prohibiting pictures or tell you verbally (in which case if you continue to snap away you could get in trouble for trespassing). So that's another good reason why I was thinking of bringing a hidden camera, if it is indeed legal, because if a strip club doesn't have a "photography prohibited" sign I wouldn't want them to then give me a verbal warning if they caught me snapping away!

I want to make sure I'm being "legal"!


To everyone who's answered so far,

I never said they can't post signs, I'm asking if they don't post signs and they find out later if you can get in trouble with the law!


  • You can, in theory, take pictures anywhere you have a legal right to be, including on private property, until someone tells you to stop. If people are doing things "in plain sight", they really don't have any basis for claiming a violation of "privacy" unless it's a private member club for which members and guests are required to adhere to published rules about privacy...

  • You cannot protest on private property without the owner's permission and they aren't going to give you permission to protest on their property. Your protest would be limited to the sidewalk out front by the road.

    Strip clubs almost universally prohibit you from taking pictures inside the club. That too, is quite legal. No, they don't have to post a sign, they can simply tell you to stop taking pictures and watch you delete the ones you have taken. If you refuse, you will get bounced on your head as they throw you out and banned.

  • It IS a private business... and the owners have all rights to prohibit pictures. Your understanding of "public" vs private needs some fine tuning. Walmart may not choose to..but they fully have that legal authority.

  • It is completely legal for a business to prohibit pictures being taken.

  • You couldn't just use your camera phone?

    The guys that I follow on social networks have picturse and videos of strippers, maybe it's just the club.

    P.S, You seem like an annoying person.

  • You have those rights out on the curb, not inside a privately owned business.

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