Do you think this camera is fixable?

Somehow I managed to get a tiny tiny dent in the corrner of the lens and now the shutter wont open all the way. The lens itself come out fine it's just the shutter getting stuck 1/2 open..

This one is a pic of the dent (can barley see it even in person its so slight)

this is a pic of what happens when it turns on

like i send the lens itself has no issue coming out or going back in. only the shutter gets stuck.


  • Your choices.

    1. Throw away the camera. Repairs are usually more expensive than buying a new one.

    2. If you can push that "cover" with your finger to fully open it and don't mind doing that every time you want to shoot then problem solved.

  • there are tiny springs on the shutter cover. one or more of them came loose. I fixed mine. google it or you can have it repaired.

  • Sorry your photo's came through so dark, I can't begin to help.

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