Do I have a problem..........?

Okay well for the past 5 days I have done nothing but watch as many Law and Order SVU episodes as I can in a day and sleep. I was raped two years ago and never really let it effect me till now.

I don't know why I can't stop watching it and moping around. I never filed charges and I am so jealous of the women on the show who get to see their rapists get sent to prison (I know they aren't real people).

Is this a problem? Or can it be good for me to see that not everyone gets away with it? Because I definitely see both sides.

**sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I'm kind of on edge right now.


  • It sounds like you are trying to detach from reality a bit, and lose yourself in a tv show/sleep, so that you can avoid some painful feelings you need to deal with.

    First, stop blaming yourself for not filing charges. It was the decision you made at the time, with the best knowledge you had at the time. We can only do the best we can, and you did the best you knew at the time. We all make decisions we look back at and think were not the best, but if we could have made a better one we would have at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, so free yourself from guilt for that.

    Second, most people who experience something traumatic like that need to see a counselor to work those residual feelings out. If you are withdrawing like that, and feeling on edge, it is important to talk to someone about it. These feelings will not go away until you work through them. It's sort of like a can put them away but they will keep coming out bit by bit, letting you know they are there...until eventually the teapot explodes. Make sense?

    Best wishes to you and I'm sorry it happened to you.

  • first off, i'm really sorry this happened to you.

    and you say that you are jealous of the women on the show who get to see their rapists get sent to prison, so why don't you allow yourself to be one of those women? if you know how he looks like and stuff, go tell and no matter HOW little info you know about the guy, still go right to the police.

    your feelings are only going to get worse, so don't think maybe in a few months you'll forget it and move on somehow, cause you won't and i'm truly sorry about it. you let it go 2 years ago and finally it's hitting you fast and hard, and save yourself by starting the healing process. good luck ♥

  • There should be a local Rape Crisis Center in your area - type it into Yahoo! Even though it has been 2 years, they have trained professional that can talk to you over the phone and help you get through this crisis. Rape is a very personal issue, and every woman deals with it differently.

  • He would take a look at yet another form of shaving gel, a few of them are designed to aid melt up the stubble. Of path that's by and large for the shave itself. Over time I might feel your epidermis will turn out to be used to the abrasive nature of his chin. A lotion for your epidermis earlier than making out would aid additionally. Perhaps he would develop a goatee or a beard. Long facial hair does have a tendency to be softer.

  • You need to seek therapy for your rape.

    I'm not sure what you mean about getting away with it, but if a guy rapes one girl, HE JUST GOES ON TO RAPE OTHERS!!!!!!!!


  • this smells like feminist propaganda....

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