Body aches fever, tips please?

Hi. I'm 18.

This is the 2nd day of my body aches/fever.

I didn't get much sleep last night because I kept waking up uncomfortable.

My fever isn't as bad today, but my body aches.

If I lay down and sleep, I wake up with stomach pains and feel sick. Then I drink some water and sit up.

What can I do to help this all?

Don't say medication please. I have none.


  • Have you visited your doctor?

    Drink a ton of water, of course, you could take a hot bath ( that always help me! )

    Try not to over do it,

  • If the Doctor cant find anything wrong ,it might be food allergies, i was like this for many years till i went for a test and never looked back,it causes many problems, everything is worth a try is my motto,just take notice of when it happens.

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