My kittens do this...?

My kittens wake me up around 5am every morning.I really dont know why,i tried locking them out the room but they just meow loudly at the door and scratch at it


  • Hey

    they probably think you are their mum if they have been separated from her and they are only babies so like human babies they will want attention ect.

    Good luck,

    twirish gal


  • Lock 'em in the bathroom, or where-ever their litter box is. Make sure they have water and something warm to sleep on. And yell, "SHUT THE F*** UP!" when they protest.

    Let 'em know who's boss.

    PS: This works with human children, too.

  • My cats do that too. they just want attention. my dog Lucy is blind and has diabetes, so she has to go to the bathroom at 1-4:00 in the morning. let them cuddle in your bed with you. they'll soon fall fast asleep. best of luck!

  • If they have been separated from there mother recently they are just very scared and are not used to sleeping without a "protector".

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