Car Payments?
I want to purchase a car with no money down. Is there a way to lower my monthly payments, if I were to add a couple of thousand dollars to it 3 months from now. Would that lower my payments? Or do you have to have it in the beginning as a down payment?
it helps to pay something down on a car,but if you pay a few thousand a few months from now it wont help lower the payments on it,it will put you ahead on it,but if you re-finance it after the amount is paid that would lower the payments,it helps in the beginning to pay something down on it,doing it after a few months only puts you ahead in payments,good luck.
If you pay 3 months from now, that just pays (ends) the loan payment few months earlier.
You have to wait till you have the down payment so you can lower the monthly payment.
Good Luck...
you can lower you car payments by sending more than you have to. and that way your car payments go down and you have less car payments