Why is Psy so popular?

If i remember right, i read a story in the news about them being anti american. They sung a song that goes by the lyrics of this

Kill those (expletive)Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives

Kill those (expletive)Yankees who ordered them to torture

Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers

Kill them all slowly and painfully

They may have apologized, but thats not going to change what they said. Why are they so popular over a song with gay dancing anyways.


Just in case you want to know, they are pretty much anti american


  • Because no one knew they had said that ...

  • PSY is one guy. He is one person. Who is "they"? (You must mean the band, but he wasn't apart of it)

    Anyway, he's really just calling America out on our bullshit. We act like we're so good and high and mighty yet we do the most ****** up ****.

    I don't think he's Anti-American, but he's Probably Anti-American Military. I am too. And I am an American.

  • Who said they were popular? Really it's a SONG that is popular, they just happen to be attached to it.

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