Who is PRETTlER: lndian or PAKlSTANl?


  • on daily baises they both look the same.

  • Both. Although, the Indian girl has kind of a unique bone structure, I would say she's more modelesque looking than what I personally consider pretty. As in she has a good face for modeling even though she's not classically 'pretty,' in my opinion.

    EDIT: Nothing funnier than those rednecks who think they're so patriotic, watch the news all day, yet have no clue what's going on/what a terrorist is. How the hell are Indians terrorists (anymore than you?) (I know Y!A is full of trolls, but I've seen dead serious people like this IRL.) Yeah, disagree all you want, you people are more likely the terrorists.

  • Indians. And i have to tell that the people are not terorists. There some many political bands or...which are and by the way im neither indian nor pakestanian...

  • Both are ugly and the Indian one was Photoshopped too much

  • Indian,

    Oh look some racist people

  • I can't decide.

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