Why does a ducks 'Quack!' not echo?


Tech Geek you can go F*** a Duck for all i care you self righteous little Mole.

I didn't have my 'Facts Right' which is the entire point of this question!


  • It is a total myth. They proved that on mythbusters. When examined by an audio-expert, it was found that the echo was "swallowed" by the original quack, due to the very similar acoustic structure between the quack and the echo. Because of this, it may be difficult to tell where the quack ends and the echo begins.

  • The tiny barbs on the feathers of a duck, strongly resemble (on a microscopic scale), the little cones on the walls and ceiling of a recording studio or sound laboratories 'anechoic chamber'. This means that not only does a duck's quack not echo, but ducks are, in fact, physically incapable of even hearing an echo. Another reason being that ducks, like all other birds apart from the tufted owl, do not appear to have any ears.

  • A duck's quack does echo. See http://www.acoustics.salford.ac.uk/acoustics_info/... for more info.

    Myth busted.

  • One needs to have the echo verified by a quack doctor to have it count. Try a chiropractor.

  • a ducks quack does echo, its just a myth

  • it does echo. its just that ducks dont live in places where it can.

  • Because, ducks do not quack, on "mountain tops." <}:-})

  • i dont know maybe because the quack is a low pitching sound

  • when you speak and it echos, the echo is a changed frequancy that your ears pick up... but when a ducks voice changes frequancy, we cant hear it.... but all ducks quack cho...

  • Urban myth. They do echo.

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