Is my life a complete disaster?

ok. please no nasty comments but you can say your opinion without being nasty

ok firstly in the past I have made out with this lad a lot and he is very unpopular and ugly. don't ask me why I did it but it could be hormones. I gave done this I say for a stretch of a year or so but not every week.

also as I sed before I have had this fling with a younger girl, I do not know her exact age but I'm 16 but I was 15 mainly wen it happened. some say she's 14 and some 13,12 so I am confused but she is rather small but I defo know she's in secondary school. However now 16 just after my b day in June I had two more moments with this girl. she has given me oral sex and we kissed and once we kinda had small sex for about 2 mins with protection.

What should I do next? I am not a pedo and I don't go for young girls and I hate men who are predators for young girls.

I am so worried everyone will hate me


  • so whats your questions your askin if its okay for you to date a girl 3-4 years younger than you?and yes its quite possible u will get critisisism cant you find someone your age?

  • Abstenance

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