Remote Shutdown access?

ok so i have two windows XP pro's, linked directly to a router, then i have a windows vista connecting to network wirlessly

so my problem is, is that i need to be able to shut down the two windows pro from my vista and vic versa. but if i do shutdown -i and browse it always comes up with a (The Directory Service is currently unavailable) warning, so how can i do this guys?

i do this since i have the two windows pros automatic update at 9pm (these are my grandparents work comps for their buisness) and they dont always remember to shutdown the comps befor they go to bed, and somtimes i need to shut down my comp at home when iam working with the comps at my g-parents house

so plz if any one could help that would be great.


  • why don't you try downloading Teamviewer 5. its basically like a VNC remote acces thingy but it allows you to shutdown your computer remotely but you have to install that on your grandparents work comps and your computer to in order to perform those steps. there's another way to do this but i think this is the easy way

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