How make to convince my parents to not go to australia?

I am not white and I'm moving to australia PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS QUESTION, months pass and I'm very very scared, and I haven't found a plan to not go...

My father get a job offer in Australia and now we are moving to Australia, I'm 16 yo, and we live in France where I'm from too (my parents are french too but they've japanese and spanish backgrounds)

I'm really afraid miving there, there is a lot of racism, and we're goin' to Queensland (where an eldery aboriginal man get abused by teens not so long ago) ? people that are not white are bullied on buses and outside with things like "go home" and so on ... and are even beaten

I hate that kind of "soft" racism, this why I don't want to move, but my parents want it, I don't want to face discrimination and those kind of things...

What should I do??


I feel sick now knowing I'm going there, I have never faced racism I'm scared and have stress crises, and my english would not be enough..

I don't wanna go !!! what should I do?? please ADVICE ME

Can I ask the gvmnt ?? Can I appeal and tell them that my parents are obligating me to go to a country where I can experience harm and which language I don't really speak??

PLEASE I'm desesperated


@linda R, I told that to my parents and they said "NO" and I CANT understand there is pleny of Jobs in Europe and in France in particular, I do not wanna go to an Apartheid country like australia, and is always a british (no more penal) colony, with the queen telling what they should do and everything !!!!


  • What a ridiculous tantrum you are having. Australia is one of the safest, most tolerant multicultural societies in the world, There are occassional idiots, and every country has its racists. They only make it to the news here because Australians film these idiots on their phones to publically shame them.

    Australia's 2011 survey revealed that over a quarter (26%) of Australia's population was born overseas and a further one fifth (20%) had at least one overseas-born parent. There is no apartheid. The queen doesn't rule. Your statements towards white Australians are extremely offensive and racist. I wouldn't be surprised if someone smacks you.

    Most Australians have grown up very used to people from all over the world in their schools, streets and workplaces and don't make any differentiation. Criminals are opportunistic dogs and will target anyone of any racial background, and each other, and the media tries to make headlines from minor events that wouldn't even get the attention of passersby in most other countries.

    Frankly, you sound so xenophobic, ignorant and out of touch with reality, like you shouldn't leave your bedroom. Maybe you need to ask your parents for anti-anxiety medication.

  • There is no more racism in Australia than the is in France. Think about it....if you heard of the bus incident...that's about as far as it many times an hour does the same thing happen in your country? What about women not permitted to wear their religious and cultural garments? That stinks soo much more of racism than teenagers being teenagers. I think you need to stop worrying and think about the opportunities. If you are going to be scared all the time, that is more a reason to start to see a psychologist than to avoid the issue. Your parents decide where you as a family need to have to deal with that.

  • SHOW THEM THIS: DON'T GO TO AUSTRALIA! I used to live in England and currently live in Australia. It is the most horrible thing I've ever experienced. The Australians I know are very racist. Don't come here, it is a living hell.

  • People can tell you what you want to hear all day long, and it will get you nowhere.

    The racism, the hatred, and the total self absorption is yours.

    You have the problem. We recognize it, your parents recognize it.

    You need to address it, and work on fixing what is wrong with you.

  • They have white persons in Australia, some of them help in mental issues. You might need a tranquilizer to get past your paranoia.

  • This is all about your father and having work....not you and your fears. If you really don't want to go - then ask your parents if you can live with a family member instead.

  • apartheid????

    you need a mental health professional

  • your blowing this way out of proportion. your not aboriginal. there is no more racism there than where you are now.

  • I think you would benefit from counselling. Seriously. Look into it.

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