Hi, I am taking my ESL supplemental exam next week and need some study tips! I am certified EC-6 and decided after I graduated to get my ESL certification as well. What things should I study? I have a study guide but it is almost all things I knew for the generalist exam with a few ESL things here and there. (I don't have time to read through this 200 page book of stuff I already know just to find the few ESL key points hidden throughout.)

Let me know what things I should look up and study, things that tripped you up on the test, and if you are in the same position as I am (EC-6) how was the test for you?


  • Ideas on what to study...



    Phonological Awareness


    BICS vs CALP

    Krashen's 5 Hypotheses

    Strategies for each proficiency level

    Transfer Issues

    Types of Assessments

    The different state approved OLPT assessments


    Types of ESL Programs

    Strategies for family/community involvement

    History of ESL and court cases (Lau v. Nichols and Castenada v. Pickard)

    Idioms -- Don't Use Them

    A lot of it is common sense and strategies that everyone is already using in their classes for all students

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