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  • CDF - NERD uma pessoa muito inteligente que tira acima de 9 ou coisa assim , sempre a maior nota da sala - os famosos CDFS (NERDS)
  • hablandote con la verdad... eres bastante feo jajaja broma, mira no eres mi tipo porque me gustan los morenos, pero feo no eres, yo se cual es tu problema, la baja autoestima... esos aparatos de ortodoncia te tienen con la autoestima por el suelo po…
  • I had to forgive my friend for committing suicide. I have prayed and I have been in therapy, but what started me on my way to forgiveness was I wrote her a letter. I know she will never read it but I did it. I told her how angry and sad and lonel…
  • I had to forgive my friend for committing suicide. I have prayed and I have been in therapy, but what started me on my way to forgiveness was I wrote her a letter. I know she will never read it but I did it. I told her how angry and sad and lonel…
  • when you do a jump start give the other car a chance to put some power in your battery run it for 4 to 5 minutes first or car wont start flat battery for sure .could be starter but good battery charge will prove that point .ok easy peasy car will st…
  • Para td e chama a NASA.Pelo amor de Deus !!!!!! N é possível q vc esteja pensando em voltar p/este ser egoísta e q te usou enquanto era conveniente.Onde está sua auto-estima?Onde está seu orgulho?Onde está seu amor próprio?Abre o olho querid…
  • go to the car salvage yard they will have plenty of that year there i bet you for sure get it for a few pounds .know the part your talking about .
  • Dile no a las drogas , somos muchos y queda muy poca xD!!! La marihuana produce amnesia y otras cosas que no me acuerdo