Why does my dog lick my eczema?

I was born with a skin issue/rash known as eczema and on my arms, its the part that bends, where your elbow should be on the other side of your arm. weve had lots of other dogs and none of them licked it except the one we have now, (10 month old yorkie) who licks it whenever im petting him. why does he do this?


@ Josie: I dont use any creams or anything on it (i dont think they work) and its clearing up so i dont think its gonna get infected. thanks, though!


  • submission

    you let him

    dogs lick everything until trained not to

  • dogs naturally try to heal pack members by licking and cleaning, he may sense there is something wrong and trying to help you. another reason could be the taste of creams or treatments you put on the eczema, my dogs always try and lick the bubbles off my legs when i get out of the bath. it should be ok as long as none of the rashes are open or raw, which might cause infection from the dogs mouth.

  • Of course this is going to sound ridiculous but I have eczema on the insides of my elbows as well and I noticed my pit bull would always lick the places where it flared up. I wouldn't recommend this but every time she does it, it clears up and goes away. Seriously. I haven't got sick or anything. Still healthy and she knows whenever it bothers me. It sounds gross but it works for me.

  • Living with eczema at any stage in life, whether during childhood or adulthood, can evolve into a severely troublesome skin problem that can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Learn here https://tr.im/H2pK8

    Recurring itchy, dry skin can turn to damaged, red, and raised patches that can lead to agony and embarrassment

  • Did you ever tested out Eczema Free Forever procedure? Proceed to this site : http://tinyurl.com/nbs3hwx . Possibly this could obviously instruct each and every one!

  • Have you ever used Eczema Free Forever method? Get right here : http://tinyurl.com/nfusfs7 . This might definitely guide anyone!

  • When dogs are injured, they instinctively lick their wounds. I think your dog thinks you have wounds and he's wondering why you aren't licking it (of course, its a dog instinct), so he does it for you. I dont think its safe, call a vet?

  • Because there is a natural antibiotics on the tong of the dogs, and by instinct they lick their injuries.

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