Do you think America over-exaggerates 9/11?

I mean it happened 10 years ago but we act like it happened yesterday like lets get over it already it was sad and **** but really we are acting like sensitive bicths btw i know people who where killed in the attack


  • 9/11 was a government job, and part of why I think that is because of the way the government reacts every year.

    Yes, I'm American, yes, I know people died, but I also know that the owner of the twin towers collected almost twice as much money in insurance than the towers were actually worth. That in itself sounds suspicious

  • Over exaggerate ??? We, as Americans, have long labored under the assumption that NO ONE would dare to attack this country ! We have had a smugness that as the most powerful world power,we could not,would not ever suffer what other countries have. Our balloon burst,with Pearl Harbor. that brought us to our feet & we quickly responded, Every Dec.7th is duely noted, & reverence for what occured there, & the lives lost. 9/11 is just as much an attack on this country as was Pearl Harbor.& the lives lost ,or forever changed needs not to be forgotten.It has awakened in America, a vigilance to protect . As the old , trite , but true statement Lest we forget, then we are deemed to repeat the history. How can 9/11 ever be forgotten or ignored. Just as we pause to reflect on Memorial Day, we must pause in reverence every 12/7 & 9/11.

  • No 9-11 is a reminder that America has dangerous enemy's and we must be vigilant at all time's If you want to forget it that's up to you You say you know people who were killed in the attack do their family's agree with you ?

  • I don't know anyone who was killed in it however I do think it should be let go already,

    Yes it was very sad and a lot of brave people died helping as well as those who died in the actual buildings.

    We should never forget it happened however it doesn't need to be brought up ALL the time!!

    I was a British soldier so this affected me indirectly as I have spent a lot of the last 9 years abroad because of this!

  • How can you never forget seeing a plane be flown into one of America's most iconic buildings and then to see them collapse on live tv? It was some of the most intense things I've ever seen my lifetime

  • Over exaggerated... Are you kidding me!! We were attacked you A** .... And thats the main reason I joined the Marine Corps!!!!

  • Well of course it's overdone but it seems its turning into a tradition to remember it every year on 9/11

  • We saw 3000 people murdered on our TV screens. Its not something you forget even after ten years

  • No.


    What does that mean? How ignorant can you be?

  • I guess you lost no family or friends on that terrible day jerk.

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