Why am i so paranoid ?

Im 15 and and i live alone w.my daughter who is 10 months. At night i get so paranoid that someone is gonna break in and hurt me and my daughter. If i hear the smallest noise i freak out. i get up all the night to make sure all the windows and doors are locked. Can someone please help me before i lose my mindd ! thankk you !


  • You are a young mother and that in itself is scary, but being afraid is no way to live. Secure your house at night and keep your phone next to you. Get a dog and a bat. Leave lights on if it makes you feel better. You are not going to lose your mind. You will eventually get used to it and you will be ok.

  • Paranoia is a thought process heavily influenced by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat towards oneself.

    I suggest seeking some kind of counseling, before it gets severe and prevent you from caring for your child. It's in her best interest that you become mentally stable.

    Go to any local high school, or community center, they should be able to help you decrease your anxiety, and thus your paranoia.

    Good luck!

  • You probably feel vulnerable because you are in a vulnerable position (i.e., living alone with an infant). Make sure your home is secure and that you actually feel safe living where you live.

  • It is of course difficult to be alone like that. You need some company for moral support.

  • Look up General Anxiety, online. Read the symptoms and see if you have this.

  • this could be a sign of postnatal depression and anxiety go and speak to your gp

  • get a dog and not a mean one

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