Has feminism embraced patriarchy?

Feminists have argued that masculinity and the male ego has created institutions which inflict violence on society. Patriarchy was a construct of violent male behaviour and men's thirst for power and as such all violence was created by men and patriarchy and inflicted upon women. Therefore much of feminism has to do with protecting women from violent male behaviour, rape, domestic violence, etc. So I find it quite strange that feminists suddenly want to support women on the front lines. You would think that women would seek to end all wars and that war/violence was not characteristic that women possessed. Have feminists embraced patriarchy? Was the problem that feminists had with patriarchy the fact that they were not running it. Feminism has always been about access to power for women and breaking glass ceilings was feminism nothing more than a grab for power was all the talk about patriarchy just a load of B.S.


  • Yes I think women have done this by creating a "simulated patriarchy". I'll explain. Women have been given power over the family-everyone knows this. But what have women done with this power? Well, they have decimated the family. Their actions over the past 40-50 years PROVE women have little use for the evil, burdensome traditional family.

    This is why most divorces are initiated by women and for frivolous reasons, i.e., boredom or discontent, thereby separating children from their fathers involuntarily. But, women still want kids. They crave having children. They want to experience motherhood in a way a man could NEVER understand.

    However, there is a problem. There is the problem of the icky and annoying father without whom it is impossible to have kids and is also the icon of patriarchy. So what's a modern woman to do? Have the kids with whoever's willing to donate sperm-and there are always plenty of candidates. But with having kids comes the need for resources, protection, stability etc.

    In other words, the same safety net and features of the eeeevil patriarchy. So now that women control the vote they have voted in a "simulated patriarchy" or Big Daddy guvment to remedy this quandary. This is why there is a growing police state and increasingly draconian laws against men.

    The State is trying to squeeze blood from a stone (men) in order to fund the choices that women make. All of this- specifically, the plight of men- simply reflects the will of politicians main constituency-women. The reality is women need patriarchy and the smarter ones know it deep down. It's the foolish indoctrinated ones who believe there simulated patriarchy will not end in collapse and some type of police state.

  • So, feminism isn't about giving women more choices??

    Why can't a woman choose to be good, loyal, devoted, etc to her husband?? Feminism successfully destroyed the social barriers that kept women and men locked in their roles.

    BUT, again, isn't it all about giving people more choices and options?

    Women can't destroy feminism or re-establish any patriarchy, because they're choosing that lifestyle.

    But, once again, everyone keeps forgetting the fact that men have got society to this point. Men invented everything that made the industrial age possible, paving the way for women to seek out and take their own independence.

    But, feminists would rather persecute male dominance as a thing of evil.

  • Feminists created the Patriarchy theory.

  • i imagine feminism is chipping away on the patriarchy in some cultures (eu) yet for each and each of the noise contained in the U. S., i don't believe of it is affected the political, company, and religious parts of our authentic searching it can. Our us of a and corporations and church homes are nonetheless by and large run with the help of men, and which could unlikely to modify every time quickly. What feminism has affected contained in the U. S. is the options females and men now have, we now can artwork at many occupations, make some funds, and go away those who we don't like, instead of being trapped with them for something of our lives. Now, contained in the U. S., both men and females ought to cope with others of their workplace with appreciate, in spite of if in deepest, they don't appreciate others. some females are being elected to political workplace, besides the indisputable fact that it is nonetheless pathetic compared to many different international locations. it is interesting what number of people, both men and females, have drifted far flung from their church homes. i do not see why that has got here about, till church homes are not protecting with what's significant to individuals. So has feminism destroyed patriarchy? Nope. besides the indisputable fact that it is having an result on it. Do i decide on to ensure a matriarchy? Nope. Absolute means corrupts, no count number who has the means.

  • its a shame that destruction of the patriarchy really only amounted to destruction of the family..

    thats honestly the only effect I can see from feminisms attack on 'patriarchy' - it means rule by the father - there are certainly fewer fathers in familes today.

    My concern with that has always been with the boys raised without fathers - but I imagine women must really resent having a parent missing too..even it is was only the father - this has really been an attack on children.

    *Granny - I do feel sorry for you - you really have a very black and white view of the world - and your ideas are so set in stone - and written in crayon.

    why do men walk out on their familes ? could it be their role is so denigrated and undervalued that even THEY dont see any value in it ?

    "A woman needs a man like a fish need a bicylce." - popular saying popularised by feminists

    "The nuclear family must be destroyed... Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process." - Linda Gordon

  • Please provide quotes for the accusations you just made, because I've never heard feminists say that. Patriarchy is about male dominance, not necessarily violence.

    The soul reason for the women's rights movement was to put a woman's life choices in HER hands and give her the same opportunities as males had. Violence against women or any other person in a domestic situation is wrong. Do you agree? But patriarchy isn't about domestic violence, it is about seeing women as incapable of caring for themselves and needing the guardianship of men.

    The fact that women have finally proven their capabilities in combat has put the final nail in the coffin of patriarchy. Does that bother you?



    Wow, Woody. You're now back to blaming feminism for missing fathers? That certainly is an about face from what you said recently. Multiple personalities much?



    I find this quote of yours very interesting: "why do men walk out on their familes ? could it be their role is so denigrated and undervalued that even THEY dont see any value in it ?"

    In other words, he is no longer completely in control of the family situation, so he sees no value in BEING THERE FOR HIS KIDS?! I think you just hit the nail right on the head. How's it feel?

    By the way, I have no idea who this Linda Gordon is. Is she even a mainstream women's rights activist at all? If you're going to quote her, would you please provide a link to the full context and proof that she's even a mainstream feminist? Just because a woman says something against the nuclear family it doesn't mean she was ever part of the mainstream women's rights movement.

    I certainly hope you're not back to quoting extremists again or quoting mainstreamers out of context. The lengths you'll go to sometimes...

    By the way, it's pretty hard to set something in stone while writing in crayon. Anyone who's raised a toddler would know that. Just use Borax and it comes right off.

  • This shows you neither understand feminism, nor patriarchy.

    Sorry, but it is a remarkably ill-informed question.

  • Just because a woman is dumb enough to want to sacrifice her body to patriarchal institutions ddoesn't mean she shouldn't have the right to do it if she wants. I mean, just look at how many women willingly get married.

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