How do I reboot my computer?

I have a Toshiba Laptop that runs Windows Vista and lately it's been freezing up and acting weird. I already did disk cleanup and disk defragment but I need to know how to reboot it. Is rebooting just restarting cuz I did that and it didn't help... Thanks


  • i would agree with the others. i think you mean you would like to reformat not reboot. reboot is just restarting the system. restarting is restarting the laptop which restarts the system. reformatting is completely wiping it clean and start from scratch like you first got your laptop. i would suggest you reformat because over time there are a lot of viruses/malware and junk files that accumlate onto ones computer so i would suggest you do that to wipe it clean. before you do make sure you back up your files. if you dont then the files will be erased for good. i would suggest you use a hard drive enclosure to back up any possible files you may need. this is great because it skips the operating system (the slow system you are referring to) and it allows you to quickly and efficiently copy and paste any files you may need off the hard drive. i use a bt-300 from topmicrousa which i would also highly suggest you check out.

    after you are done backing up your files, reformat the hard drive, then recopy the files.

    if you have any more questions feel free to send me an email and ill be happy to help \(^_^)/

  • if you mean system restore it will undo what you have done.

    restart your computer repetedly press F8 untill you see the advance start up screen, high light repair your computer, then press enter. let it load choose a language, log in then choose a recovery option.If you choose system restore it will seem like it is not doing anything. give it a few minutes to do it thing. you can pick other date and times by choosing that option, and then you should be able to choose a time more than 5 days by checking the box in the lower left corner.

    choose a time before you notice the problem with your computer,if that time failes, try another.

  • Yes, rebooting is the same thing as restarting it. What you probably need to do is reload windows onto it.

  • Rebooting is just restarting it...try going to the geek squad or something. They really know how to fix computers. :)

    Good luck!

  • Unplugged the computer and trow it out the window. Leave it out there for a couple of days and it should reboot

  • hold in the power button so the computer turns off without shutting down when you turn it back on it will reboot itself

  • while you're asking no remember if re-formatting a hardrive will harm your computing gadget as an entire, the respond isn't any. although, re-formatting it is going to eliminate all your latest documents on the force. not undemanding drives can sustain an honest volume of re-formats with none harm to the force itself. good success!

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