How to break into my car?

Okay so I just got my learners permit, but my mom still wont teach me to drive at all even through im 17 and have less than a year before I get my actual license. A few days ago she lost the only key we have to our car (a 2006 Saturn Ion) and told me that if I found it she would pay me but I told her that she could just let me drive. So this morning she told me to go search the area around the car and retrace her steps and guess what I find? They key! On the floor of the back seat.

I was all exited when I told her, but she said it does us no good because Onstar wont open our doors untill we renew our account or whatever and we cant afford a lock smith. I want to break into the car, but I dont know how. Please dont say a slim jim or a coat hanger because the car is protected from those.


  • Call the nearest tow company and ask for lock out service. We have to open cars all the time, and we are cheaper than the lock smith.

  • A deal is a deal: You were given the task of finding the key--which you did. It's your mom's obligation to get the key out AND make good on the deal. Levy a little political dynamics and see where things go:

    Hand her the phone book and advise her Pop-A-Lock can be right over, open that locked car in two seconds....for $45 to $60 dollars--no problem. Local law enforcement, as policy, don't do the free open locked car door service anymore....and letting the OnStar account lapse really aggravates the problem.

    But....ah!! You DO have a suggestion that MIGHT get that key safely back---for free......tease her interest by walking away. When she takes the bait, simply re-offer the deal: She agrees to let you drive the car more first---THEN tell her about the AAA club deal, having a friend and AAA club member send roadside assistence to open the car.....for free.

    Or.....she can pay $60 to have that door open in 5 seconds---her call.......

  • Oh, Pun. Driving is so important, but looking pretty whilst driving is by far the most important thing for any girl. Of course, being a female does not help, as the brain of a woman/girl functions quite differently from that of a male. Most accidents are caused by female drivers. Often females drive off with no knowledge of the chaos they have left behind them. Part of the cause of accidents involving females is the fitting by manufacturers of the makeup mirror. Unfortunately, this mirror is often placed at the center and top of the windshield, or as an addition to the one fitted as part of the sun visor. Over use of these mirrors is a major contributor to accidents.

    I might suggest buying a car with no mirrors (they are useless anyway) as they serve only to aid the use of making up ones face, and, a powder compact has its own mirror and is often used while driving, making the all other mirrors obsolete. Also, a vehicle with no turn signals is an advantage, too, as these are at best a distraction and serve no useful purpose.

  • Are you sure you can't pull the top of the door just a little, slide a coat hanger thru the rubber gasket, and hit the power lock button? I've been able to do this on some cars. Be careful though you don't want to bust the glass. Your mom will really be pissed!

  • AAA will open a car if a member calls them and asks them to do it; it doesn't even have to be the member's car. So, if you have a friend with a AAA membership, they can have a truck out there to open your door within 20 minutes. Call around, or ask on Facebook; I bet you have at least a few friends with a membership.

  • Are the window craked

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