"Familiarity breeds contempt."?

any exceptions in YOUR life???

"I like familiarity. In me it does not breed contempt. Only more familiarity. ( – G. Stein )"


  • its only does if you forget to appreciate what you have.

  • Simi

    Once again, great question.

    I like familiarity as well, and is one reason this forum took a while to get used to. I have been here for almost a year now. I like to know who I am talking to. It does not mean I want to know your whole personal life, but, knowing if you are a man or a woman would be nice, though, there are those who choose not to reveal that information. That is their right. It is also my right not to answer their questions.

    This place is tricky, because you don't want to end of being a robot, but the lack of trust that permeates yahoo is perpetuated by this fear of being trashed by some evil person, and the fact is, in a global forum, that is plausible.

    I was once yahoo emailing back and forth with a young lady who said she was about 35 years old. Turns out, after a couple months, she revealed she was 68. I don't care how old she is----but she did, and there are so many that want to be someone they are not, and then start creating multiple accounts. I is both inane and insane.

    Person to person, in real life, which is how I usually dealt with people before Y!A (excluding stock trading web sites) is a totally different dynamic. Because of our sinful nature, it too can breed contempt, and has happened mostly to me, but I make mistakes every day, and have hurt others as well because of my self-centeredness. That makes familiarity even more paramount because the alternative is really where our society is going.




  • To be familiar all the times, every where and with every one is never possible, It generally happens when you find some one liking your presence near to him and he has cause for it, which you also do understand could only stress you to be familiar with him in that situation. This may be momentary or last long.One may get it, keep it and forget it depends upon the circumstances. Many time two people meet in the train or in air become familiar within no time. It also depend upon the nature of the persons. Breed of contempt depend upon ones own insight towards others. For me familirity is not an abuse but a gift from God. Rest every one has his own way and style of living. Thanks

  • It means getting too familiar can cause contempt in case you have an argument one day you know what skeletons are in their cupboards and can use them against the person ~ not saying you would but some people do hence the saying :)

  • I don't feel that way for my relationships, however..... sometimes you will become friends with someone and then find out all their dirt and realize this isn't the type of person you want to be friends with. It happens - it is part of the human condition - as I have gotten older I have been able to spot pretty much those types of people fairly quickly and head off unpleasantness. As far as true friends and loved ones, in my life it doesn't happen, I am happy to be around them as much as possible, but again, they are the chosen few in a long lifetime.

  • varies from person to person........

    It ultimately depends on our choice. Most lasting friendships have their beginnings during our childhood.

    here even with familiarity one is able to relate to other in a deeper level.

  • Actually, I find it to be quite true to my life at the present time...

  • I have not observed yet any exception of this rule.

  • A good question for the stars.

  • True, but not on hobbies or things I like.

  • This is what happens after you are married for a while.

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