How do you kiss a guy?

I don't know how to tongue and kiss, can tell me how. Describe tongue movement.


How do you give a hickey?


  • Let the guy of lead. Slowly lean in, don't look to eager. Close your eyes (it is rude to stare) and turn your head slightly to the side so you don't bump his nose. If you feel him opening his mouth you do too. It is really easy. Just don't freak out and do something stupid.

  • I dont know how to kiss a guy...and you will learn if you have a guy who actually likes to kiss and doesnt want to skip right to the sex part...good luck on that one btw...

  • I wish I could the first time I did that I was a little kid playing a game

  • See message to the left

  • below the belt is the most effective.

  • i'l go alng with hot stuf

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