Is pneumonia contagious?

My girlfriend has pneumonia, what are the chances I will get it if I kiss her?


  • it is infectious and it may be by bacteria or virus. subject to ur immunity power, u may also contract even by a visit to her room.

    however, don't worry now. all the best to u.

  • MOST PROBABALY you will catch it because

    the main causes of pneumonia are





    5-chemical due to smoke inhalation in fires or aspiration of stomach contents in unconcious patient.

    1-2-3-4 are all contagious

    i doubt she has 5

    there is a song for the band DEACON BLUE called i will never fall in love again

    there is a line

    what do you get when you kiss her lips have a cold and catch pnumonia

    so people know this already so postpone kissing she is ill

  • No. What causes pneumonia is contagious.

  • No - you cannot catch it xxxxxxxx

  • No it is not

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