Nano Cubes!!!!! So Expensive?

Why are these tiny nano cubes so expensive!? I saw a 6 gallon nano cube run for like $150-200$!!!


like seriously i had no idea why thery are so small and soooo expensuve, i just thought they had top quality stuff in it or something!? This is outrageious(horrible speller)


  • The light is the main cost.

    A compact fluorescent or similar lighting that comes with the nanos can cost hundred on their own. Plus they have nice built in filters, curved glass or acrylic, and some even have built in skimmers and refugiums. They are more than just a tank and the price isn't as outrageous as it first appears when you consider the cost of equivalent, key word is equivalent, equipment.

    (Cannot compare the price o f a worthless incandescent light to that of a higher output efficient light that comes in the nanos for example) Yes the nanos have top quality, depending on the nano. JBJ is less quality, and you can see they are the cheaper nanos.

    It is like asking why a room as a sleezy motel with roaches is so much cheaper than one of a fine hotel with room service, multiple rooms, jacuzzi tub, etc. Can you sleep in either, sure, but is one nicer than the other?

  • It's novelty bullshit, all I can say. Things are pretty useless and shitty (I doubt that the makers of the things ever looked at room requirements of common fish specie, fluval's designer wouldn't be happy that he made a tank suitable only for bettas), like the biorbs (which are pretty much bowls with undergravel filters, really who would pay 70 dollars for that? You can get a fresh out of box 10 gal will all sorts of stuff for less, from the store, with luck you could get a 55 gal from craiglist for slightly more).

    Just get a real tank, it'll cost you fraction of the novelty price and it will be much more better working.

  • its because its a specialty unit. its all self contained. there is more money going into the research and development as well as the production of a unit like this. that cost gets passed onto the consumer. its much cheaper to get a regular saltwater tank

  • Because there this new Designer piece of crap that people that are ignorant think are out of this world so sellers cash in on it i think there the biggest con out there just like the biorb

  • because they are aesthetically pleasing and all the parts are hidden. that's my opinion.

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