hot to contro my bad temper?

im 22 yrs old. and sometimes i just get mad bout any little thing.

i feel bad about myself and sometimes feel fustrated about how im living my life. i have a wonderful 1 yr old and im married, but i dont really get along with my husband. I dont fight about reasonable problems, but only stupid things. please help. i wanna save my relashion.


  • If you want to control your temper then try taking a walk or go sit outside maybe a park and clear your head for a little while. My husband and I fight all the time for the most stupid and littlest reason but I just go outside and when i;m calm then come back in.

  • I've had the same problem myself, which I've been working on as well. I'm 23, not married and don't have kids, but I've been with my boyfriend almost 4 years. We never fight about big important things, but sometimes it seems like he'll say one wrong thing and I'm in a pissy mood the rest of the day.

    I think the good thing for both of us is that we recognize our own fault in the matter, and do not blame it only on the man. What I try to do when I'm in a situation where I'm behaving irrationally over something little, is just try to take a step back... I try to remember how much I love him and how much worse things could be. I remind myself that he is a perfect gentleman who has never, and would never hurt me. And I realize that I'm usually being selfish. I think of those people who have loved ones who are dying or who hurt them seriously on a regular basis, and then I snap into reality and realize that I'm just being irrational.

    I think the key is being able to differentiate between when you're being a little crazy, and when you really have a right to be angry.

  • You fight about the little things because it's easier than bringing up the real problems. You must confront the big problems with your husband, once you realize what they are and can reasonably articulate them, and try to move on from there. If you want to stay in the relationship, both of you need to work on it, for the sake of your child, and seek counseling. But for now, since you already acknowledge that you fight over little things, maybe you should count to ten and avoid big conflicts over little things. Yes, talk about the little things, but handle the big things first. If you take care of the big problems in your life, the little ones tend to take care of themselves. Good luck.

  • get thee to an anger management session. otherwise, deal with it. the best thing to do is dont let it overcome you. once the trigger appears, just calm down. remember to take a deep breath. that always helps. dont say anything. just look at the object of your temper. take another deep breath. it the cause is unreasonable, just forget about it. if its serious, sit down and talk. remember. deep breaths.

  • The first step is acknowledging you have a problem. Get help now if you continue losing your temper you may lose your husband and child.

  • When you find yourself feeling frustrated and angry, take a deep breath and step away from the situation for a few moments, get your head together then proceed with caution.

  • Maybe this is a sign of something else wrong, honey.........Have you ever spoken with a counselor about your feelings??????? It will really help.........Take care, and when you get really angry, give yourself a "timeout" to cool off a bit............

  • Take a deep breath in.. Exhale

    Repeat this three times slowly..

    "goose fraba"

    "goose fraba"

    "goose fraba"


  • scientology marriage course, and communication course, worked for me

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