WordPress.Org or WordPress.Com?

Hi! I am starting up my own business but want to run a blog initially then start up a website (once I get enough in my portfolio to use in the gallery) offering my services but don't know which 'WordPress' to use. Can I transfer over a WordPress.Com blog to a WordPress.Org website with blog capabilities? Can anyone point me in the right direction as to which is the better option for me?


  • Hey there,

    Well if you want to use WordPress.com to host your blog before starting up a website then by all means go for it. Not only would you save time, you'd save money. Starting off with a blog and then moving forward, after deciding it's what you really want, would be best imo.

    From what I remember you CAN export your blog from WordPress.com and then import it into your self hosted blog after downloading a fresh copy from WordPress.org

    If you're new to the whole technical aspect of hosting a website I'd recommend having it done for you using WordPress.com until you find the time to learn, however you will be limited on what you can or cannot do.

    Good luck and I hope everything turns out well for you!

    Edit: Regarding name.wordpress.com, you could purchase a domain so that people could access your blog as well.

  • Reading the previous responses, they are all right on. If you are setting up a business, really consider investing about ten to twenty dollars a year (yes per year) for a domain name and web hosting, then just set up your own wordpress site there. You really want a url that is tied to or branded to your business, like "mycoolstuff.com". I could go on and on but instead of duplicating stuff that is already on my wordpress blog, feel free to check out the details here:


  • Start with a free Wordpress.com site. These are not as flexible as a self hosted wordpress.org site but have plenty of options for a start up....


    You can easily Export your content from the .com site and Import it into your .org site when you set up your own website.


  • You should not go free if it's for your business. blah.wordpress.com lacks brandability and trust for your customers.

    That said:


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