What does marines reserves do?

i want to get help with college tuition i also want to serve for our country and see places ive never seen before


  • After they Finnish boot camp and their job training they do there job for 2 days a month 2 weeks during the summer. If you are a grunt you will probably do weapons training, combat training... If you have some computer job you will work on a computer during your weekend drill. Some other things you will do probably once or twice a year are PT tests, weapons qualification, take care of appointments, etc. You could still be activated and deploy.

    The rest of the 28 days of the month will involve having a full time civilian job because you will only be making a couple hundred a month as a reservist.

  • It will take a while to get help with college tuition in the Reserves.

    You won't see many places, you mostly serve one weekend per month at a reserve base near home.

    If you want to serve 4 years active, you can see different places and get the GI Bill for college.

    Your other option is to get into NROTC with a scholarship or the PLC program and a loan through the Marine Corps. You'll be required to serve 5 or 6 years active as an officer after getting your degree.

  • Basically you go to boot camp during the summer for 3 months. You WILL miss some college. They you go to Advanced Individual Training for about 5 months.

    They you have drill status once a month. ( get your pay there)

    In the summer you go for 2 weeks and train

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