gas or serious?

Hi, I have been having this pain for quite some time I would say since June of 07' which was before I was pregnant but it consisted of some back pain...I thought it was heart related and went to the E.R. they did an x-ray and said everything was fine go home and take some naproxen (aleve) so I did that. Now that I'm pregnant I have been having these pains that feel like my heart i had this burning sensation on the left side of the left portion of my body right below my left arm so i went to the doc. and they did an ekg which was also normal and they said it was muscles and just try and relax. Now for about a month I have been having these chest pains they are rarely sharp but sometimes are accompanied by neck or arm or back pain or all at the same time and I was just wondering could this just be gas because it usually happens only on my left side it happenson my right maybe 15% of the time, but i just don't know what to do I'm so tired of going to the e.r. for them to give me aleve.


  • I dont think it's gas, you would know if it was. I dont know what it could be but i would suggest to go see another doctor and get a second opinion. I am 18 weeks pregnant and i get alot of gas and it's nothing like what you have described. Definatley see another doc. Good luck for you and your baby!

  • I think it is serious especially if it is by your heart, my husband use to have these pains, he said they were really sharp, and it turned out his cholestrol waas high, you should have your obgyn run some blood test.

  • Maybe you are just stressing yourself out. When it happens try lying down and resting for a while and see if that helps

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