how do i do this problem e^(-.15t)=.14?

how do i do this problem, do i add -15 to each side, leaving t by itself making the answer -.01


  • e^(-0.15t) = 0.14

    This is the same as:

    1 / (e^(3t/20)) = 7/50

    1 = (e^(3t/20) * 7/50

    50/7 = e^(3t/20)

    ln(50/7) = 3t/20

    20ln(50/7) = 3t

    20ln(50/7)/3 = t

    This is hard to put into a simpler form, it depends how you want it to be.

    You could put 20 and 3 into the logarithm or make it the difference of two logarithms.

    20ln(50/7)/3 = t

    ln((50/7)^20/3) = t

  • No...what you have to do is take the ln of both sides, then the (-.15t) that is now an exponent becomes a coefficient on the left side like so:

    lne^(-.15t) = ln(.14)

    (-.15t)lne = ln(.14) since lne = 1 this becomes now

    -.15t = ln(.14) dividing by -.15 gives

    t = ln(.14)/(-.15) = -ln(.14)/(.15)

  • im pretty sure but its been a while u take the lne of both sides so:


    -.15t=lne.14 (you should figure this number out on the calculator then continue from there)

    divide both sides by -.15 which leaves you with the value of t

    you might check this its been a while

  • You take the natural log of both sides denoted ln, ln(e)=1 so the steps are

    1.natural log both sides

    2.Laws of logarithms says move exponents to front as Multipliers

    3.ln(e)= 1

    4.Divide both sides by -.15


    1 .ln(e^(-.15t)=ln.14

    2 -.15t(ln(e)=ln.14

    3 (-.15t)(1)=ln.14

    4 t= ln.14/-.15

  • ln EVERYTHING!!!

    so lne^-.15t=ln(.14)

    and the ln of e becomes its power. so -.15t=ln.14

    and divide by -.15 so it becomes t = -(ln(.14))/(.15)

  • um use natural log...

    ln(.14) = -.15t

    grab a calculator

    at least i think thats how u do it

  • snaps to all of you........ my brain doesn't work like this.

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