How do you become a CIA?

what are some classes that are best for me right now in high school?


  • well I think you should start with Criminal Justice Degree

    Interested in Becoming a CIA Agent?

    The Central Intelligence Agency is an independent agency that provides national security intelligence to senior U.S. policymakers. While you may think of CIA agents as government spies, not all CIA agents are assigned to perform clandestine work. Linguists, analysts, interpreters, computer forensics experts and other professionals work for the CIA. Whether you want to become an undercover CIA agent who gathers global intelligence or a CIA agent that analyzes information, a career at the Central Intelligence Agency begins with a college degree.

    Degrees for CIA Agents

    Most CIA agent positions require at least a bachelor's degree in some field of criminal justice with a master's degree preferred. The area of study depends on the nature of the position. For example, CIA weapons analyst positions require degrees in nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, biological sciences, biotechnology or other related areas.

    Preparing for CIA Agency Work

    In addition to obtaining a relevant college degree, CIA agents must pass background tests and possess strong communications skills. As you prepare to become a CIA agent, keep the following requirements in mind:

    •U.S. citizenship

    •No illegal drug use within 12 months of applying for a CIA job

    •Highly ethical and discrete

  • What is a "CIA field agent?" Do you mean a case officer? No, of course you don't need military experience for that. If you mean something else, you should probably say what you mean, and use the correct terminology so people know what you're talking about.

  • It all depends on what area of the CIA you want to go into. Math classes are always good

  • take as many languages as possible.

    get good grades.

    get some military/volunteer experience.

  • That information is classified.

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