Police officer dilemma?

I was stopped for speeding like 30min ago and i showed the police officer my papers (insurance etc..) he took the papers and my drivers license backto his car, and suddenly he turned his emergancy lights on and drove away, im sitting here in my car and i am wondering whether i should drive away or wait for him? and how would i get my documents back?


  • call 411 and get the number of the police department. DO NOT CALL 911! Ask to speak to an on duty sergeant or detective, and explain the situation. As far as I know police do NOT have the right to confiscate your documents.

    If there was an outstanding warrant against you they would've arrested you and keeping your license would be a moot point. don't drive anywhere right now or you could risk a really serious charge; namely, driving w/o a license which is a misdemeanor, class III I believe.

    also consider filing a charge with your city's civilian police department complaint commission. They handle stuff like this. Did you get the cop's license plate number? His cruiser ID number (if there was one?) His name? Even a general physical appearance is better than nothing. don't try to argue about the speeding ticket; what matters is getting your license back!

  • I assume you're not still sitting there, but if so, I'd wait 10-15 minutes then call 911 and ask whether you should leave (so there is a record that you didn't flee the scene). I would call the police department (or go there) asap to get the docs back.

    EDIT: If you have a non-emergency number for the police, you could try that. Here, we only have 911 to handle emergencies and non-emergencies.

  • Call the non emergency number to that Police Dept. and ask to speak to a Police Officer and tell him/her what happened. There is a taped record of the traffic stop and contacting the officer wont be too hard for them. He/She probably received an emergency call and had to leave promptly.

  • He got an emergency call, you should call the dept that stopped you or they may be returned via mail in a few days.

  • If you wait a reasonable amount of time, and the officer does not return, then go to the station and request your documents.

    Or, you could call the dispatcher and ask...

  • Get a lawyer. That cop can now use your identity for illicit activities.

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