Im 16 why do i feel so depresses?

It started about a month ago that I've started feeling depressed. I get tired and just don't feel like doing anything. My days feel soooo boring as if I. Have absoulutly nothing to look forward to. I don't really do what I use to enjoy doing and I just hate this feeling it feels like there's something wrong ,knots in my throat and butterflies in my stomach.... heelllp


  • I think everyone goes through that kind of thing when they're around 16. I know I certainly did. You feel like you're never gonna be on your own and making your own decisions, don't know what to do about your adult life, etc. It's a hard time. It definitely gets better. Of course, everyone hits periods in their life when they feel depressed. I'm 19 and feeling the same even though I'm in my dream city with a great job going to college for something I love. Hoping it goes away soon. Figure out what you want in your life and make it your goal to go for it even if it seems impossible. I've figured out what I need to do, and it's gonna be very difficult, but I'm trying to make it happen. Good luck.

  • Hi Cristian - I think this sort of thing is very normal due to hormonal changes at your age. You body is changing very rapidly. I remember when I was 16-17, my mood changed - it felt like there was a kind of 'fog' in my mind, and I ended up miserable and crying all the time, and didn't know why. I gave up school and drove a van for 4 years. Eventually I went back to college and did a degree and Ph.D. Through the whole time I was taking antidepressants. Go and see your doctor and tell her/him how you feel. I came through it, and so can you. Good luck!

  • I'm not sure why exactly you're feeling depressed but there are things you can do to try and lift yourself out of it.

    Try not to sit at home all the time. That can be a downer in itself. Get out, take a walk, take your dog for a walk, something.

    You could join a sports team with your school, or maybe a club.

    You might even be interested in attending a local youth group or Bible study. I'm sure they'll have programs to go out and help people and different camps that you could participate in.

    I hope this helps.

  • Depression is a real disorder-- but treatable. You should tell your doctor and get help. You're not alone, though. Many people go through this.

    Until then, I have a blog. The goal is to be positive and make people smile!

    Why don't you check it out? Hopefully it will help you to have a better day.

  • You must be on your period. I suggest buying some tampons.

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