from a farm to a duplex?

i'm moving of the family farm and into a duplex, for college. i'm bringing my 90 pound golden retriever with me. any advice for how to keep a farmdog happy in town?


because i work over the weekend he is gonna be back on the farm from friday to sunday night.


  • We did something similar last year with our 95 lb. bloodhound mix. We'd been living in the country, acres of land, and then moved into a duplex in a city with just a small fenced yard. To prepare him, we began cutting back his formerly free access to the great outdoors. He began getting a daily walk on leash rather than us just opening the door and letting him out. We started to take him more places (like restaurants that had outdoor seating where he could sit with us) to get him used to being around more people. We took him for walks around the nearest town to get him accostomed to going for walks aorund other people and other dogs.

    His adjustment has been great. He now expects his daily walk and is content with that. He goes to the local dog park which is the only place he can run around off-leash, and has a great time. We walk around the city and he's happy to meet and greet all the people and dogs we encounter.

    It'll definately be a big change for him and you need to be understanding and patient. But it is a good idea to start the process now, to wean him off of just being able to run around all the time and get him more used to the more controlled situation he'll have to deal with when you move.

  • Since he is going from a wide open environment to a more sheltered one I would make sure you take some time out of every day and take him to the park and play ball ofr frisbee( whatevger you did at home) or a good long walk get him out as often as possible. It's great he will go home on the weekends too but will need stimulation during the week as well.

  • A golden should adapt just fine. take him for long walks twice a day - at first when it's quiet, so that he can gradually get used to the louder city noises and more people. Take him to the park or an open area where he can play fetch on a long lead.

  • Start getting your dog use to being on a leash for one and take him out to the park or area he/she can run.

  • just give him the excersise he's used to from the farm and he'll be happy

  • Take him for lots of walks and maybe to parks where he can be with other dogs.

  • Make sure he gets enough exercise!

  • as long as the master is there he will be happy

  • if he is with you that is all that matters to him. he will be happy where ever you go.

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