Black phantom tetras.?

Does anyone have them? I think they are neat looking fish, but I've heard they aren't active? That's really the main thing I'm looking for. I want 6-8 of them. They are going to be in a 37 gallon tank. Fully cycled. If they aren't active, what about glow lights, penguin tetras, or lamp eyes?

They can't be nippy, and I want active, cool looking, and if possibable tight schooling


  • I have Black Phantom Tetras.

    They are active when they are not stressed.

    Those who say they are inactive must have them under stress one way or another.

    Ex: Not enough of them in a school. Or the tank is too empty without hiding places to make them feel safe.

    Check the video for yourself,

  • They should be active, most tetras are but they might hide when they're first put in. I personally have lamp eye tetras and they're very active and they look nice in my 29 gallon tank.they don't school but swim in groups of 2 or 3 when they're comfortable. Glowlight tetras are active as well and any of those would be great additions to your tank. Hope this helps

  • They are pretty active and with a school of about 8-10 you'd have more luck with them not nipping other fish.

    That being said i wouldnt put them with fish like angels or betta's just to be safe. Most tetra's and danio's will nip fish with long fins but you can usually stop this if you have a larger school and lots of plants.

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