Do cartilage piercings hurt?

I am currently fifteen and I really want my cartilage pierced(like he top of your ear..well no ****) anyway. Some people are telling me it hurt and others aren't. I know id want it to be done at Claire's by the 'gun' they call it. But I don't know yet. I'm worried it will hurt or get infected since that has happened to my other cousins when they get it pierced. Should I?


  • It all depends on your pain tolerance. For example, when I got mine done (note, I got mine done with a needle at a tattoo shop) on a scale of 1-10 (1 being almost painless and 10 being extremely painful) mine was about a 2-3 and I have a medium pain tolerance. Getting it done with the gun will also probably increase your chances of problems with it in the long run, so I would strongly suggest getting it done with a needle at a tattoo shop. Also, everyone's bodies are different- some people heal easily while others have problems with healing and infection- it all depends on your body and how well you take care of the piercing. I personally see no reason why you couldn't/shouldn't get it pierced- it's very common and it doesn't really cause problems in the workplace or at school.

  • Have it done using a needle. Not as painful and less risky than a gun. Ive had the top of my ear pierced and have my conch pierced also. Honestly for me the pain after having it pierced was more painful than actually having it done. You will hear a pop as it goes through and your ear may feel very hot and almost throbbing afterwards. To this day (6years ago) it STILL hurts for me to lie on my ear too long where I had my cartilage piercings. It shouldnt become infected if you keep it clean. Just wash it with salt water...I wouldnt bother with the piercing cleaner they try and make you buy.

  • I got it done with a gun and it didnt hurt. It hurt more after then when they pierce it. But it got infected soon after. I was even cleaning it and taking care of it. I had a huge purple bump. And a bumb in the back( which i still have) i would get it done with a needle because if you get it done with a gun you run the risk of infection. I know some people who have gotten it done with a gun and also had an infection. Most likely you will get a bump in the back, everyone i know who got it done with a gun got the bump in the back.

  • No, you only hear a pop when the needle goes through. But it's not even loud, it just hurts after & if you lay down on it. It won't get infected IF YOU KEEP IT CLEAN. This is very important, you must keep it clean. But other than that, it's awesome :) & NO DON'T GET IT WITH THE GUN IF IT'S CARTILAGE. Go to a shop, they will do it with a needle. It's much better, and if you get it with a gun it can damage your nerves there

  • It really just depends on your pain threshold. If you get hurt easily or if something small hurts you that might not hurt someone else as much be aware it probably going to hurt. Im 17 and i have a high pain threshold and have gotten multiple piercings so good luck, expect some pain it will hurt afterwards especially when sleeping. keep it clean :)

  • done by needle, it will slide through, relatively pain free

    its a bit sore while healing though, you wont be able to lie on it for a while

    done by gun?

    you take your chance as the needle shatters its way through the cartilage

    take your chance it heals at all

    and live with the consequences of going somewhere not trained in hygiene or proper piercings

  • Not to try and scare you but they do hurt like a burning type of hurt. And are more likely to get keloids on cartilage :/

  • It's cute do it. I got mine done in fourth grade and it didn't hurt at all.

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